(Y-10) 2 days, 14 hours and 30 minutes

If I have any serious hopes to achieve my crazy ass goal of reading 100 books in one year, that is all I have, 2 days, 14 hours and 30 minutes for each one.

Monumental indeed.

My main concern are really complex books, like, the Malazan Book of the Fallen, which are on my reading list for this year.

I think it will compensate with some of the more fluid books, but this will be a really big task, that I believe, in the end ,will give me a great deal of satisfaction.

For now I’ll jump into the next book in the Legend of Drizzt saga, The Silent Blade.

On the bright these bad boys came on the mail yesterday.

Caffeine come to me.

Happy Readings!!!


(Y-10) torn between two crazy ideas.

As you might expect some of my crazy ideas collide.

And well,I am torn between two notions that are the main goal for this year of reading.

Do I focus on my total page, around 96,000 pages for the year, or do I go for the gargantuan task of reading 100 books in one year.

Both are equally important task in my greater goal, but I know, at least for this year, there is only one path I can follow.

For now, I just keep on reading and wait to the right answer to present it self.

On another note, I just finished the first volume of Jason Aaron’s run on Doctor Strange, and did he delivered, I was reminded why he is one of my favorite characters and one of the most talented writers working on comic books right now.

And the art of Chris Bachalo, simply mesmerizing.

I have Volumes 2 and 3 line up and a long reading session with Drizzt .

Buzzy Sunday.

Happy Readings !!!


(Y-10) no time like the present

As I sit here on a caffeine buzz one thought comes to mind.

Fuck it, I’m doing this bat shit crazy thing that has been roaming around my head.

I’m going to chase my ultimate white whale.

I’m going to read 100 books in one year, that is 91 books from here until the 13 of October.

deep reath and take the plunge.

Mr. Cave, play me out you mysterious sexy bastard.

Happy Readings!!!


(Y-10) Captain Crunch and Wytches

Last night my insomnia poke its little ugly head, so, I took advantage and finish one of my digital graphic novel, Wytches by Scott Snyder, some really creepy shit, and all of this while endulging in a gigantic bowl of midnight cereal, for this occasion the good Captain Crunch was there to sweeten the journey.

Also, I made some head way with Passage to Dawn and started with the first collection of Jason Aaron run on Doctor Strange, The way of the weird indeed.

Happy Readings!!!


(Y-10) an eventful post and the first 10,000 pages

It has been 9 days since my last post, I know that my tomorrow always turns out to be like a week later, but I love to procrastinate, it is truly one of my few talents.

So let’s take this one thing at a time.

First and foremost, I have been taking notes on my daily progress on those ruled yellow page ledger and haven’t updated my bullet journal since the second day of February. although, I am happy to report that my streak of 100 pages per day is alive and well. Actually, it is entering today, 31 uninterrupted days, this is partly why I have not been keeping my updates as tight as I should.

Here is my update up until January 31.



On the book front, I finished the ninth book of the Legend of Drizzt saga, up until now the series has not let up, is full of action, intrigue and well-rounded characters. And of course, I jump directly into the tenth book, Passage to Dawn, the drow menace ever present.


On the graphic novel front, I finally finished reading Batman: Elseworlds Vol. 1, is a collection of alternate Batman worlds and let me tell you, seeing this book makes me wonder of all the great Batman stories left yet untold.

With all this reading I finally reach the coveted 10,000 pages mark. I know there is a lot of roads ahead of me but I’m confident that this year with be a truly epic one.

With that in mind, a have a couple of things to announce, first, in July I plan to be part of this really cool readathon, 24 in 48, the main idea is to read 24 hours in a 48 hour period. You can break it down however you like, in one 24 hour sitting or over the weekend. The next one is scheduled for July 21 and 22 of 2018. So get your cozy reading chair and eyes ready.

The other thing is that I’m planning to catch some mountain air, probably somewhere between the end of March or the first weeks of April, and of course, I’m planning some mayor reading, so, for my total reading for the month of April, the goal is 10,000 pages. That is approximately  333 pages per day.

This kind of crazy ideas that are floating around my head is why I need to hoard a lot of reading material, because, I can plan to read lots and lots of pages but without so many fantastic books and graphic novels that will impossible.

That was my subtle way to say that I have some new acquisitions.

Two novels that are in my total epicness list for this year, The Name of the Wind and The Return of the Black Company. And the acclaimed graphic novel, Punk Rock Jesus.

And the cherry on the cake, the 200th-anniversary edition of one of my all-time favorite novels, Frankenstein or, The Modern Prometheus. Beautifully illustrated by David Plunkert, and let me tell you, it gives it a new dimension to this already beloved book, it still amazes me how it can resonate so much with our current status and even more to think that it was first published back in 1818.

Simply outstanding.

With all these new volumes coming into my already swelling bookshelves, I’m glad that my under the stair shelves are ready to use and of course already pack really tight.


For now, I leave you with a quick update for this, the tenth year of my crazy project. As I dive into my reading more determined than ever.

Total pages for (Y-10) : 10,071 pages

Pages left to read (Y-10): 86,695 pages

Days left in (Y-10): 244 days.

Happy Readings!!!


(Y-10) the streak is alive and some new reading material

Today marks 21 days with 100 pages or more per day.

Don’t want to jinx it so I’ll just say that much.

Right now I’m working on a couple of things. On the book front my time is solely placed on the ninth book of the Legend of Drizzt saga, The Siege of Darkness, and let me tell you it has not let up. Truly and amazing work of fantasy.

On the graphic novel front I finish a couple of stories from French publishing house Delcourt, Druids, and Elves, and currently working on Batman: Elseworlds, this ragtag collection of Batman in alternative universes is a true delight for every fan of the Dark Knight.

And on my perpetual quest to find new reading material I stumbled upon some graphic novels and one highly coveted book from a local writer.

Tomorrow I’ll post some images from my progress on my bullet journal and a new challenge, the 24 in 48 readathon

But more on that tomorrow.

Happy Readings!!!


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