(Y-10) Chasing 20,000 pages.

Yesterday I finally broke the 18,000-page mark.

18,045 pages to be precise, and, with the summer vacation period coming up, I think a challenge is what is at hand.

For these vacation period, besides the readathon on the weekend of the 21st of July,  the goal is to reach 20,000 pages, that is 1,955 pages in about 30 days.

So I better get to it.

Happy Readings!!!


(Y-10) it was not Sunday either.

My plan to have a 500-page day failed miserably, again.

On Sunday, the day I thought was going to be the day, the total of pages was 154, not so bad, but not quite my goal.

But looking on the bright side of things, I made some headway with The Orc King and finished DC Comics/Dark Horse Comics: Justice League, this weird cross-over graphic novel has some memorable stories, like Superman and The Predator.

And one gem, I am of course talking about the Batman/Hellboy/Starman crossover, illustrated in all its glory by comic book legend Mike Mignola.

Tomorrow I’ll post an update on the total for the year and my reading is progressing.

Happy Readings!!!


(Y-10) I guess Sunday will do

Yesterday, I set out to have a 500-page day, I didn’t mind if it was Saturday or Sunday, but as I recap yesterdays total, I realized that Sunday will be a better day to achieve this mini-goal.

Obviously, it was because I only read 168 pages.

So I said to myself, I think Sunday will work just fine!

And here I am, having some rich, intense black coffee and getting ready to start with the task, which if I can achieve it will put me so close to breaking the 18,000-page mark.

Back to reading and have a relaxing rest of the weekend.



(Y-10) One more time with feeling or, how stubborn I am.

For this weekend I will attempt, once again, to have not a 400-page day but a 500-page day.

As always I do not rest until my mind is satisfied with what I set out to achieve.

A bit obsessive, I know.

I do not know which day this crazy goal will take place, but I can assure you it will happen this weekend.

So I’m off to the races, with 64 pages under my belt for this lovely, extremely hot summer morning.

Happy Readings!!!



(Y-10) reading training

With the readathon a month away, I must begin to get in excellent reading shape, 24 hours of reading sounds easy, but they can be brutal.

With that in mind, I will begin to push myself to read more often and for extended periods of time.

For this weekends plan, I expect to read at least 75% of the new current book, The Orc King, book number 20 of the Legend of Drizzt saga and the first of the Transitions Trilogy.

Some comic books, mainly a set of one-shots based in Frank Frazetta’s paintings.

And to top it of finish with a digital graphic novel, DC Comics/Dark Horse Comics: Justice League, from which the first story is Superman and The Predator, and the second one, which I’m reading, is versus the Terminator, I know crazy premises, but somehow they work.

As you can see, from the new reading list, I have finished The Two Swords and The Death Dealer mini-series, and I am glad to inform that the 17,000-page mark has been passed, 17,293 pages to be precise.

With these, I surpassed last years total, and with still 108 days to go in this year of reading I plan to, at least, sum up more pages than the previous two years combined.

So, I will begin to flex my minds muscles, and hopefully, I’ll have a great reading weekend.

Mr. Reznor if you please, let us begin the festivities with some music.


Happy Readings!!!


(Y-10) Reading schedule for 24in48 readathon.

I was trying to figuring out how 24 hours of reading could be scheduled in the weekend on the readathon.

I came up with a preliminary layout for my reading session.

Planing 24in48

Because I’m on Mountain Standard Time, two hours behind Eastern Standard Time, my reading would start on Friday at 10:00 p.m. and finish on Sunday also at 10:00 p.m., so, the inaugural session will coincide with the official starting time of the readathon.

Well, the schedule is set, and I am pretty anxious to dive right in.

For now, I will think of what could be my approach, book-wise that is, and make so progress with my currents reads.

Back to it.


(Y-10) So close….

Yesterday’s total was an impressive 397 pages, really close but no cigar.

I read 3 issues of the Death Dealer mini-series, all of the Doom Patrol graphic novel and about 70 pages of The Two Swords.

That was a great effort but just a little off the mark.

I will try that again really soon.

For now, back to reading.


(Y-10) A pretty relaxed sunday

I’m having a pretty mellow out Father’s Day.

Just had a few slices of pizza, a glass or two of Merlot, and of course some quality time with my kids, we are actually postponing the festivities so we can celebrate it properly, perhaps the next weekend.

The other thing is that I had some time to read.

And with that, I start to come up with some crazy ass challenges, on this occasion the task for the day is 400 pages, from which I have already passed the half-way point, 244 pages to be precise.

These are in part of my good progress with my current book, The Two Sword, and the fact that I finished the first volume of Gerard Way’s run on Doom Patrol, as expected a pretty trippy book, keeping with the spirit of the previous series by genius storyteller Grant Morrison.

So, to close-up the day’s challenge I will make some more progress on the book and try to read the mini-series of Death Dealer, based on the painting by Frank Frazetta.

With the tremendous creative team of Joshua Ortega and Nat Jones, I think it will keep me glued to my couch until the late hours of the night.


I think an early post with my final numbers is imminent, that is if I do not get betrayal by my own laziness.

Happy Readings!!!


(Y-10) rainy start for the weekend

I love when my beautiful desert gets blanketed by some light summer rain, just to wake up to the musical sound of small raindrops, well, it gets me in a good mood.

Mr. Mesquite

Although I woke up really early, the effects of little sleep did not affect me, and I started my day reading.

Let us start with the graphic novel front, I finished the first volume of Ta-Nehisi Coates run on Black Panther, highly recommended, by the way, it’s dark and sophisticated, a good jumping off point to more mature stories in the Marvel universe.


As before mention, I had a very early morning, so, it gave time to read another great graphic novel, The Black Road Volume 1 by Brian Wood, of Northlanders and DMZ fame.

This time tackling a story of the conversion of the Nordic tribes into Christianity, all of this looked through the eyes of anti-hero Magnus The Black, with the astonishing art of Garry Brown, this is a must-read for any comic-book geek.

The next graphic novel on my list is the first volume of Gerard Way, yes of My Chemical Romance, run on The Doom Patrol, if I take for example his work on The Umbrella Academy, well, I expect a trippy and extremely well-written story.


On the book front, I am still working on The Two Swords, the last of The Hunter’s Blade Trilogy, currently, on page 163 of 376, the good news is that my pace has increased exponentially, so I think the book will be done this weekend.

On total pages news, I am glad to inform that the new total is 16,629 pages, surpassing the sum of (Y-8) and just 569 pages to tie the total for (Y-9).

I remind you that my last day of this year of reading is October 13, so everything looks in good shape.

Well, back to enjoying the rain, my steaming cup of coffee and of course my books.

Happy Readings!!!


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