(Y-12) results of my week long readathon

This passed week was spent participating in the first Bookly readathon, you could either read for 20 hours or read 2020 pages.

I chose the latter.

It was a pretty productive, even though I could not reach the goal, I made some really good progress.

The other cool thing is that I finished the fifth book of the thrilling Star Wars series, New Jedi Order, now, all out war with the Yuuzhan Vong, slowly they are starting to gain ground, and a corridor to the Core Planets.

Now, I’ll turn my attention to the reimagining of two of my favorite mythologies, Mexican and Nordic.

I started off with Mr. Bowles book, which is published by Cinco Punto Press, an amazing local book editors of our sister city of El Paso, Texas.

Also, I’ll keep on adventuring on the mythical land of Azeroth, for this occasion I will be reading a trilogy by Richard A. Knaak, The Sunwell Trilogy.

For now, I am off to read, and to prepare a new post of my total progress.


(Y-12) In today’s reading

I am hoping to close down the gap left from yesterday’s reading, and reach at least 580 pages of total reading for the Bookly marathon.

In order to do this I’ll ask the help me of a very old friend, and one of the first series that got me obsessed with comic books, John Constantine.

Those are volumes 2, 3, and 4 of the original Vertigo series,written by the amazing Jamie Delano.

The second volume I finished yesterday, and right now I’m working on the third one, following a nomadic stretch of the infamous sorcerer of Liverpool,

I am off to read.


(Y-12) Weekly Report, January 12 to 19

Another good week of read, over 1,300 pages.

Remember that I should be reading 812 pages a week to reach my goal of 43,500 total pages for this year of reading.

Tonight, I’ll start my Bookly Readathon, 2,020 pages are in front of me, and 7 days to do it.

For now,I’ll read, and watch the Championship games of the NFL.


(Y-12) Level up and the first Bookly readathon

I just reach level 22 on the Bookly app, this means I have used it to log 213 hours of reading.

The next level is 17 hours and 31 minutes away.

Right around this time of year, I would have been getting ready for the 24in48 readathon, but the amazing team of this now an iconic weekend of reading has taken a much-deserved hiatus to regroup.

So I had to look for an alternative to fill my need to binge read.

I found it in the first-ever readathon organized by the reading tracking app Bookly.

It is fairly simple, from Monday, January 20 starting at the stroke of midnight and up until Sunday, January 26 at 11:59 p.m., you can do two things, read for 20 hours, or read 2020 pages.

This obviously using the app to keep track of your progress, I chose the latter.

At the end of the week, you share your weekly report and have a chance to win the free upgrade to Pro.

In my case, I should start on Sunday, January 19 at 10:00 p.m., and read up until Sunday, January 26 at 9:59 p.m., this is because the readathon starts on an Eastern Standard Time zone,  and I am on a Mountain Standard Time zone.

If you are interested in participate check the blog entry from Bookly.

I am off to read.


(Y-12) Slow and steady

I had a couple of slow reading days.

Inspite of this, I read an amazing graphic novel, Red Sonja : Ballad of the Red Goddess.

Written by the legendary Roy Thomas, and the masterful art work of Estaban Maroto and Santi Casas.

Colored only in black, white, and red, this short but sweet retelling of the She-Devil with a sword it’s a must for all fans of the Sword and Sorcery genre.

This particular edition us the Spanish version published by Planeta Comics, and it is an oversize hardcover.

Today I plan to pick up the pace, and try  to read three 300-page days straight.

I am off to read.


(Y-12) Witness Me!!

I’m on a roll!

Yesterday, I had a 300-page day.

This was thanks to two amazing graphic novels, and a couple of chapters of The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos II.

First off, I read the prelude stories to the amazing Mad Max: Fury Road, in this book we can see the story up until before the start of the movie, like the origin of the War Boy Nux, the obsession of Immortan Joe, the journey of Max, and the final task of the kick-ass Imperator Furiosa.

If you liked the movie, this is a must-read.


The second graphic novel was the fourth volume of the Warcraft Manga series Legends, this collection contents little stories from all over Azeroth, my favorite section was the first part of the origin tale of the mother of the legendary Orc Thrall.

Although I am not a huge gamer, the world of Warcraft has always intrigue, and all of the stories, books, and comic books, have been a very pleasant experience.


With this page registered in this year of reading, I have surpassed the 11,000-page mark, and I am also ahead 4 days on my reading schedule.

This year is shaping up to be a great year of reading.

I am off to read.


(Y-12) There is always a first time for everything

Right now I will be closing down my day with a bit of reading.

More specifically with a couple of great adventures.

Yesterday, late at night, I finished the fourth book of the amazing series The New Jedi Order, set 25 years after Episode IV, A New Hope.

With a new threat coming from outside the knowed galaxies, the New Republic must rallie to put a stop to the relentless Yuuzhan Vong.

We finally see the reappearance of our favorite scoundrel, Han Solo, who has been laying low after the tragedy in Serndipal, were he losses his partner in crime, Chewbacca.

But with this warriors cast wrecking havoc on the galaxy, Han must put his mourning aside, and fight once again for the faith of the galaxy.

Let’s see what’s in store in the fifth book of the series, Agents of Chaos-Jedi Eclipse.

The other adventure is an amazing graphic by José Luis Pescador, La caída de Tenochtitlan.

In which the everyday life inside the Aztec empire is beautifully depicted, and how the winds of war came rushing in to take down the gem that was the beautiful city of Tenochtitlan, the heart of the Aztec power.

This graphic is only available in Spanish, but I highly recommend that you learn the language in order to enjoy this amazing piece of art.

In other news, and for the first time in all of the twelve years I have been keeping track of my reading, I am on schedule, in fact, I am a bit ahead.

And to celebrate, I will read some more.


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