(Y-12) Quarantined Days, Update 20

Just realized that I haven’t posted how my numbers are in some time.

Well, I am glad to say that my reading is way ahead of schedule, 44 days to be precise.

My current projection is that I will finish the year with approximately 48,000 pages, which will mean that this year has the potential of becoming my best one yet.

Right now my total is 38,557 pages.

My two immediate goals are to reach 40,000 pages, just 1,443 pages to go, and reaching my goal for this year 41,665 pages, just 3,108 pages to go.

I still have 74 days left on this reading year, and the next one, year thirteen, will be a short one, I’ll explain when that time comes.

For now, I am off to read.


(Y-12) Quarantined days Update 19

With the few days left on July I plan to go all out and try to knock down some of my challenges.

My focus turns to my Bookly month Challenge.

That’s 856 pages in three days, pretty doable.

To close out my night, I’ll go to a galaxy far, far away, and follow the misadventures of a bunch of scoundrels and bounty hunters.

For now, I am off to read.


(Y-12) Quarantined Days, Update 18

I had quite the reading slump this week, my total was a measly 450 pages.

There’s a pretty good reason why, but I’ll get into that later.

On my trial run of my readathon, I could complete 3 of the 21 tasks.

I plan to polish off some of the details and probably organize a whole event for Christmas break, you know, seven magical days of reading.

The three tasks that I did complete were:

  • Start a new book (The Vorrh by Brian Catling)
  • Read 50 pages while drinking coffee (DC Comics:Year of the Villain)
  • Read a graphic novel without putting it down (DC Comics: Year of the Villain)

I’m still aiming for a record breaking year, and with 77 days to reach more than 47,000 pages, I am pretty confident that milestone will be reached.

For now,I am off to read.


(Y-12) Quarantined Days, Update 17

This update is really special.

I decided to shot for 40,000 by the end of this week, so that can only mean one thing, Reading Marathon.

This week there two great reading marathons, the famous Reading Rush and Bookly’s Summertime Freedom Readathon, but for me to reach my goal this don’t quite fit my needs.

So , I created 21 tasks to read along this week, that will be 3 task per day, with the chance to make up any task any other day.

To start the week and the readathon my three tasks for the day are :

  • Start a new book.
  • Read 50 pages while drinking coffee
  • Read 500 total pages

If I can’t do one of the task , I’ll try it on another day, the only thing is that I can do tasks from a day in front of me only from one that has passed.

I have until Sunday at 11:59 p.m. to complete the 21 tasks, and hopefully I will reach 40,000 pages.

For now, I am off to read.



(Y-12) Quarantined days, Update 16

I have been focused on a few things this last weeks than I have neglected my entries on this blog.

I hope to end this for good.

Right now I am locked in on the sixth volume of the epic story of the Malazan Book of the Fallen, The Bonehunters, and the return of one of my favorite locations, Raraku, the holy desert.

I am closing on the halfway point of the book, an I have ambitious plans to finish it by Wednesday.

On my quest to reach 40,000 pages, I still have 2,169 pages to go, and about 12 days to do it.

But tonight will be dedicated to a certain red fella and his weird tales.

I found this on my Kindle Unlimited account, and it will be a special treat to close out this busy Sunday.

For now, I am off to read.


(Y-12) Two years

Two years ago, this blog was receiving its 2,000 view, and I was more that grateful.

And here we are, on the same date of that remarkable day, and I am still humbled by all who visit my blog.

That’s more than 4,000 views.

I can only say thank you for the company in this journey.

I have still a long way to go, and a lot of ideas to share.

For now, I am off to read.


(Y-12) Quarantined Days, Update 15

It has been a week since my last update, I promise to write more often, but it was a week to run errands and stockpile our pantry, and it was crazy busy.

So I’ll just jump right into it.

I have 4,101 pages to reach 40,000, and 29 days to do so, that’s 141 pages per day, I like those odds.

This past week I have read some amazing things.

I continued with Brian Wood’s Vertigo comics series Northlanders, and currently reading the fourth volume, The Plague Widow, and still have another 2 volumes left available on my Kindle Unlimited subscription.

Also, I finished another story arc of Batman written by the amazing Tom King, The Tyrant Wing,  What is Bane up to?


But the highlight of the week was the tenth volume of my favorite comic book, Hellboy,  which includes a story with the legendary art of Richard Corben, The Crooked Man, exploring some American folklore for the first time in the series.


Today I plan to read the seventh volume of the current run of Detective Comics, Batmen Eternal, written by James Tynion IV, which has become really quickly one of my favorite authors writing on the DC universe.


On the book front, I expect to finish soon with The Adversary, currently on page 436, an start with the next chapter of The Malazan Book of the Fallen, The Bonehunters.

Now concerning my numbers for this year.

I have a total of 35, 339 pages of 41,665 that was my proposed goal for the year, and with 103 days left, I am more that confident that I’ll hit that mark, and according to my projections, and if my current pace holds up, I will finish with around 49,719 pages,  more that 2,000 pages more than my best year.

I also made some progress with my date to reach 1,000,000 pages, right now my projected date is December 15 of 2045, which is 5,307 days more than my original plan, but it came down from 5,321 days that I calculated about ten days ago.

That would mean that I would be 64 years 6 months, and 10 days old when I reach my goal, it stills needs work but I have gained ground steadily over the last few months.

With that in mind, I am off to read, because I am not getting any younger.



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