Tapping out

After 7 hours, and 41 minutes, I have decided to stop my participation on Bookly’s Winter Readathon .

The goal was 10 hours over 4 days of reading, and to be close to 8 hours,and 591 total pages, I put this on the winning column.

My only concern is the upcoming, and really physically demanding 24in48 readathon.

Am I really up to the task?

Guess will see.

Tomorrow, I’ll post how my quest to balance out my total page count, spoiler alert, it’s not so good.

For now, I am off to rest my eyes.


Halfway there

As I start reading this Saturday morning, I realize that the halfway point of the Bookly Winter Readathon was behind me.

That gives me pretty much all the weekend to finish with the other half of the challenge.

I have been focusing on the eight volume of The Malazan Book of the Fallen, Toll the Hounds, currently on page 303, so my page count is kind of low.

Today I’ll be focusing more on the graphic novels in my reading list, and hopefully the goal for January will be achieved.

For now, I am off to read.


Off to the races

And thus begins, the first readathon of the year.

I started off with a little over an hour of reading, 1 hour and 22 minutes to be precise.

That means I have 8 hours and 38 minutes left on the Bookly Winter Readathon.

I’ll keep pounding away on Toll the Hounds, currently on page 233, and on volumes 3,4, and 5 of the legendary rings of Peter David on Hulk.

For now, I am off to read.


Preparing for the first readathon

With the fast approaching of the date of the first readathon of the year, starting thursday January 28, I am in full planning mode.

As I mentioned before, the goal is to read 10 hours over four days, to this challenge I will be also summing my how personal goal, to read 1,583 pages.

My intention is to at least read the 4,991 pages of my original goal for January, if all plays out in my favor, try to chip away some the 1,514 extra pages left from the other months, which are part of balancing act I have been posting about this passed few days.

Since all my printed graphic novels are gone, I will have to dig into my digital reserve, which is mainly located on my Comixology library.

I will post a list of reading for the readathon sometime tomorrow.

For today’s reading, and a warm up to the intense event ahead, I’ll keep on pounding away at Toll the Hounds, currently on page 194, and some She Devil action in Red Sonja: Vulture’s Circle.

For now, I am off to read, and scheme.


Balancing act, part five

I am entering the final week of January, and it will be an intense one.

The two main things to consider for this week, firstly, and the one which holds great weight, is that I still have 3,394 pages left on my goal for this month.

Secondly, and something that will help greatly to achieve that monumental goal, is the first readathon of the year, the goal, 10 hours of total reading, this, from January 28 to 31, and of course using Bookly app to track the progress.

For today’s reading, at least what is left of the day, I’ll keep on pounding away on Toll the Hounds, currently on page 159, and read the last volume that I bought, number 8, of the mesmerizing manga Berserk.

For now, I am off to read.


Still reading

I’m knee deep in reading.

I am currently working on the seventh volume of the mesmerizing manga Berserk.

Tomorrow, I’ll update my reading tracking notebook, and see how this final leg of the month is shaping up, which includes the first readathon of the year, Bookly Winter Readathon.

For now, I am off to read.


Balancing act, part four

I’m getting my groove back.

The passed few days I have read over 200 pages, and started with a good pace the eight volume of The Malazan Book of the Fallen, Toll the Hounds, currently on page 71 of the whopping 1,270, still, finishing this epic series is priority one of my current year.

This reading boost it’s thanks to the enthralling manga series Berserk, I have devoured volumes 4 and 5 in record time.

And for today I have volume 6 lineup, to continue Guts journey in his adventures thru the ravaged landscape filled with war and it’s demons.

Also for today’s reading I’ll revisit Grant Morrison’s run of Batman & Robin, with the legendary artist Frank Quitely.

I am moving up slowly on my total reading for January, there’s still 4,158 pages to go, and on the bigger picture, I still have 137 days, and 25,075 pages to go.

For now, I am off to read.


Balancing act, part three

Friday and saturday were a couple of slow days of reading.

I summed up only 133 pages, this leaves with 4,863 pages to read for the month of January, this over 15 days, quite the task.

For today, in between football snaps, for it’s the Divisional round of the NFL playoffs, I plan to continue on the 1,200 page journey of the next chapter of The Malazan Book of the Fallen, Toll the Hounds.

In between the pages of this amazing series, I’ll continue my journey with Guts, in Berserk number 4

And the new series by Brian Michael Bendis of The Dark Knight, Batman Universe.

For now, I am off to read.


Decisions, Decisions

I have finished the book corresponding to January on my Paraiso Perdido 2021 reading Challenge.

Cuando las luces aparezcan, it’s a collection of six stories revolving around abduction and first contact with some odd creatures, but not necessarily little green man.

My favorite moment it’s the appearance of Jaime Maussan, a legendary Mexican paranormal researcher, and TV presenter, I advice you to look him up on YouTube, it’s quite the spectacle.

Now I have a conundrum, do I continue with Robin Hobb’s Assassin series, the next book is Royal Assassin, which I have the digital version, and for the last three weeks I have been searching for the printed version publishing by the Spanish publishing house Plaza & Janés, but so far, no luck.

What I did found was the third book, Assassin’s Quest.

Hence my conundrum, do I read the digital version, or do I keep on searching for a printed copy.

I think while I make up my mind, or find a copy, I’ll read the next volume of The Malazan Book of the Fallen, Toll the Hounds.

For now, I am off to read.


First 10,000 pages of (Y-13)

Today I reached the first milestone of this year of reading, the first 10,000 registered pages, I have an explanation of what this means in the About section.

My current total is 10,227 pages, and with 143 days left on this year, I am positive that the remaining 27,757 pages of my ultimate goal will be achieved.

Although I am 33 days behind my reading schedule, the past few days my rhythm has been improving, and with the upcoming boost from the several readathons I will participating in, balance will be met.

As you can see, I still have almost 8,000 pages to read in order to get back on track, and my 3 month plan to achieve this is working out a bit slower that I would like, but I’ll get back to form in no time.

For now, I am off to read.


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