(Y-11)my read everywhere, read anywhere philosophy.

In order to achieve my coveted goals have to adopt a philosophy that any 5 minutes are perfect to chip away some pages.

So, with that in mind, and as the background sound of my son practicing taekwondo, I’ll try to read for awhile.

First, I’ll read the first issue of Groom Lake, illustrated by one of my favorite, Ben Templesmith.

If there’s any time left, I’ll try to advance with The Last Threshold.


(Y-11) Just Barely got there.

Yesterday was a lazy day, well at least compared on how I have been reading for the past month.

My total of pages was just barely got past my minimum for the day, which if you recall is 146 pages, well, yesterday’s total was 147 pages, getting it done by the skin of my teeth.

This is talks to its fantastic conclusion of Valiant Comics series Shadowman, in its fourth volume and written by incomparable Peter Milligan.

It goes out with a bang, and it opens up to the next chapter, Shadowman: End of Times, which I am planning to read really soon.

Here is the infographic sheet generated with Bookly.


And just for the fun of it an alternate cover by one of my favorite artists, Ben Templesmith, famous for the series 30 days of night and he’s how creator-owned series Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse.


On the book front, yesterday was just pathetic, only a couple of pages, but I still stand by the idea of finishing it by next Saturday, how am I going to do it remains to be seen.

Caffeine, don’t fail me now.

The other thing I have started working on is my reading schedule for the 24in48 readathon, I try to make each of my reading session focused on one particular theme, for example, I am planning on finishing the Scott Pilgrim series, so one of the reading session will be devoted to that, it only adds to the fun.

Also, I have been reaching out to make one of my reading session a collective one. Still, some of the details have to be refined, but I expect to make a memorable event out of it.

I’ll keep you post it about any new developments, and of my other two events happening in March.

For now, I’ll get back to the Malazan campaign which I have neglected so badly.

Happy Readings!!!


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