(Y-11) Some extra art activities

For the past week, it has slipped my mind to talk about a new exhibition in the city’s museum of art.

This time is a photographic retrospective spanning five decades and the lenses of many photographers working on capturing the always intricated reality of our border city.

I am not sure until when the exhibition is going to be on display, but if you are in Ciudad Juarez or El Paso, you should go and check it out.

It would not disappoint.

Back to it then.



(Y-9) 15 days….. new books and the international coffee day

The last two weeks of this reading year.

I will focus on my only remaining book and beef up that total number for the year.

Of course to do that I’ll need my old friends, comic books.

A lot has been going on this week, but the main thing is the State Book Fair is in full swing.

And that brings me to the highlight of the week, on Wednesday my multi-talented wife presented, on said Book Fair, her latest book endeavor, oh yes her latest, this being her second book in print.

The newest one is a photographic memoir of a very particular landmark found in our city, the border. And do mean the physical space between the United States and Mexico.

Filled with beautiful black and white photos, mostly taken by local artist Luis Pegut, the book tries to recapture all the stories hidden in the sands if the Rio Grande.

I couldn’t feel prouder of this beautiful piece of art celebrating our beloved city.

On Sunday, being the last day of the Book Fair, will go back and see what goodies we can find.

For now, I started hoarding some Legend of Drizzt books for next year total epicness, pictures coming as soon as they arrive.

Well, being the international coffee day I think I’ll celebrate by brewing some in my french press.


Cheers everybody and Happy Readings!!!!



(Y-9) Cloudy art filled day

Yesterday afternoon was one of those days that really charge up my batteries.

To start it was a beautiful overcast day.

And to top it off I went to see some amazing art with my favorite person in the world.

Our stroll was through the event held every Last Thursday of the month in our sister city of El Paso, Texas.

It’s a great place to hang-out, there’s art, pop-up galleries, music, food and many other things roaming around.

Our first stop was an art piece Paradox by local artist Laura Turon.

This refurbishes school bus is covered in a geometrical pattern.

From there a quick visit El Paso Museum of Art, where, apart from the impressive collection of the museum, we got to see the current exhibitions: The Red That Colored the World and Spirit Lines: Helen Hardin Etchings. Both amazing in their how regard. If you are in El Paso Area don’t miss the opportunity to visit the Museum.

As the Sun set, we took a seat in a small plaza next to the museum, just to take this magnificent day in.

Now I feel recharged to tackle this last 77 days of my reading year.

Happy Readings!!!


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