(Y-11) The Clock does not goes tick, tack

I have finished reading Las Brujas de Westwood, great horror comic by an amazing group of Spanish artists, check it out, it will not disappoint.

On the history book front, I am progressing nicely, an it is a fantastic read.

I managed to chip away at some of the pages and some of the time, but I still gave some work ahead, fortunately I bought a shit load of coffee and still have the better of this afternoon and the weekend.

Right now, I’ll head out and do some of the waiting game, and because the book by Mr. Martin is so damn heavy, I’ll take my tablet and read some stuff on Comixology, Doctor Voodoo and some tales of The Dark Crystal are the order of business.

Off to read.


(Y-11) 5 minutes…or a couple of hours, the late night dilemma

I have finished reading Bruce Wayne, Murderer?, and the Tres Castillos graphic novel.

Also, read the first two chapter of Fire & Blood, as I was saying, reads like a fantastic history book.

Now my dilemma is if I call it a night or push a bit further.

I have reduced my reading clock to 16 hours and I am nearing 300 pages for the day, so naturally I will keep on pushing for a bit more.

I am about to start reading a graphic novel that I bought a few weeks ago, Las Brujas de Westwood, by Spanish editorial house dibbuks.

A bit of horror before a nice sleep.


(Y-11) cloudy day…perfect for reading

The day started off in the most perfect, really cloudy and a bit cold for this time of year.

With this perfect morning I could finish The Sandman book and I will start a new graphic novel, Animal by Colo.

dib>buks was establish in 2004, and their HQ are located in Madrid, Spain.

You can check out the complete catalog here I plan to steadily add more of their amazing books to my shelves.

But for now, I’ll spend my Sunday morning drinking coffee and catching up with some of my reading.


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