(Y-12) 24in48 readathon, starting with today’s reading

I started reading yesterday at 10 pm (Mountain Standard Time), this is to coincide with the official starting time.

And I am glad to say that I have 1 hour and 46 minutes under my belt, and the first graphic novel finished, Lantern City Vol. 2, a really fun steampunk story.

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Today I’ll continue with Dragons of Winter Night, hopefully I can finish it by tomorrow, and with the classic Batman tale of Knightfall.

But to kick off this day, I’ll start reading the next volume of Ed Piskor’s X-men: Grand Design, Second Genesis.


For now, I am off to read.



(Y-12) The key to everything

I have been absent for more than a week, but I can assure you that I have spent it reading intensively.

I am just about to reach the 16,000-page mark for this year of reading, and I am also about 15 days ahead of schedule.

This passed week has been filled with all types of reading, from the Norse gods, to mutants, a reinterpretation of Frankenstein’s monster, and even a graphic history of Hip Hop.

For this weekend, I’ll commit to reading the first 5 volumes of the amazing series Locke & Key by Joe Hill, and of course binge the whole Netflix series.

For now, I am off to read.


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