(Y-12) Quarantined Days, Update 14

It has been a week since my last update, I am doing quite fine, but you know sometimes life gets in the way, fortunately, this is not the case with my reading.

I still have 5,125 pages to reach 40,000 pages, and 36 days to do so.

In the book front, I decided to scrap the idea to complete the 49 books in my reading list for the year, I prefer to focus on enjoying the book instead of reaching a goal.

Right now I am on page 256 of 507 of The Adversary, and loving the main character Farideh, the Tiefling Warlock.

On the comic book/graphic novel/manga front, I started the Vertigo comics series Northlanders, written by Brian Wood, and centering on life as a Viking near the year 1000 A.D.

I have finished the first volume, and still have 5 more volumes available in my Kindle Unlimited subscription.

Also. I started reading the first volume of the classic manga Berserk in all its bloody glory, I don’t read that much Manga, but alongside The Lone Wolf this title is one that has been buzzing around my head for quite a while.


For now, I am off to read.


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