(Y-11) Between pages and ancient curses.

I am enjoying this vacation period so much.

In between reading and napping, I have been able to squeeze in some other activities, for example, right now I am gearing up to finally finish work on my little desert oasis.

And, a couple of days ago, we went to see the temporary exhibition of the famous pharaoh Tutankhamon.

Comprised of over 200 pieces, some from the original time period, and some amazing dioramas depicting the mummification process make this exhibition a must for any lover of history.

I am planning to go again after the vacation period, so I can go thru it more slowly and read all the information.

Here are some pictures.

Now, concerning my reading, I am working on the fourth book of The Neverwinter Saga, The Last Threshold, from which I am currently on page 33 of 434, it has been a slow start but my pace is catching a good rhythm.

Also, I finished the second volume of the now classic series of Vertigo Comics by visionary writer Warren Ellis, I am of course talking about Transmetropolitan, which follows the misadventures of journalist Spider Jerusalem in all his dystopian gonzo glory.


For today; I’ll work on two graphic novels, the third volume of All-Star Batman and some throwback Hellblazer story, City of Demons, beautifully illustrated by one of my favorites illustrators, Sean Murphy in collaboration with fantastic writer Si Spurrier.


Now concerning my numbers, it has been kind of fluctuating between really good days, for example, 316 pages, to really mediocre days, I mean 44 fucking pages, come on.

But the important thing is that I haven’t got any 0 pages days in a long time, and my current total for this the eleventh year of reading is 22,807 pages, still 31 days behind schedule, but I’ll put the pedal to the metal and close down this gap.

In whole, I have read 255,834 pages and I still have 244,166 to reach the next major milestone in my crazy project, 500,000 total pages.

And according to my calculations, this will be reached on May 3 of 2029, this is also something I have to keep on chipping away and get it closer to my current date.

But the only way to do this is to read.

And on that note, I’ll see you soon, I have some reading to do.




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