What’s that? I can’t read more than 500 pages today?…hold my beer (walks out determined)

I have 1,580 pages left on my February quota, and a little voice in the back off my head said that it will be cool if by tomorrow morning that number magically turns from a 4-digit number to a 3-digit number.

That being said, today’s itinerary consist of a trek thru The Wyld, a dinner party with The Lightbringer, and hopefully a triumphant return to the Farseer Trilogy, with the second installment, Royal Assassin, written of course by the legendary Robin Hobb.

Off to read.


Decisions, Decisions

I have finished the book corresponding to January on my Paraiso Perdido 2021 reading Challenge.

Cuando las luces aparezcan, it’s a collection of six stories revolving around abduction and first contact with some odd creatures, but not necessarily little green man.

My favorite moment it’s the appearance of Jaime Maussan, a legendary Mexican paranormal researcher, and TV presenter, I advice you to look him up on YouTube, it’s quite the spectacle.

Now I have a conundrum, do I continue with Robin Hobb’s Assassin series, the next book is Royal Assassin, which I have the digital version, and for the last three weeks I have been searching for the printed version publishing by the Spanish publishing house Plaza & Janés, but so far, no luck.

What I did found was the third book, Assassin’s Quest.

Hence my conundrum, do I read the digital version, or do I keep on searching for a printed copy.

I think while I make up my mind, or find a copy, I’ll read the next volume of The Malazan Book of the Fallen, Toll the Hounds.

For now, I am off to read.


One before we go…to sleep

Yesterday’s reading has gotten my rythm back.

It was a pretty decent day, 157 total pages of reading, finished the first volume of Queen Sonja, and read about 24 pages from Reaper’s Gale.

I still have 8,125 pages to go on this epic December, and a lot of little goals to achieve.

The first would be to finish Reaper’s Gale by December 21, this is in time for my week long readathon, and to start a new book, Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb.

I have heard a lot of amazing things about her writing, and it is low overdue to dive right into a new fantastic universe.

For now I am off to read.


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