(Y-11) Two out of Two

All streaks begin with two straight days of achieving something, at first glance, it might not seem as much, but it is the humble start of something more significant.

A 365-day reading streak always begins with two days on a row, and for me that is the end game, to read at least 146 pages daily for 365 days, one day after another.

I know it is quite ambitious, but I do love a good challenge.

So, I’ll take it just like now, one day at a time.

And on that note, I should say that yesterday’s total was 165 pages and I have reached 9,650 pages for this eleventh year of reading, this is, of course, thanks to the fact that I finished the first volume of Transmetropolitan and had a bit of headway with Deathhouse Gates.

Currently on page 228, and with plans to close out the night with this terrific book.

And for this third day of 2019, I am glad to say that the 146 pages mark has already been surpassed, mainly thanks to quick and ferocious read that is The End of the Fxxxing World, the acclaimed graphic novel by Charles Forsman, that was adapted to a mini-series on Netflix.


Simple in its framing, it explores some deep and dark pathways of the human condition, a must for any graphic novel lover.

The next two graphic novels on my queue are volumes two and three of Archer & Armstrong, part of the Valiant Comics Universe that I pretend to transverse the coming months, this particular series, along with Eternal Warrior, is one of my favorites of all of the Valiant comics line.

Let’s see how these two volumes hold-up.

With this steady pace of reading and the fact that I have quite a bit of material available to read, I do see myself breaking thru the 10,000-page mark before this weekend ends.

There are only 350 pages in my way and three days to do it.

Let’s get cracking.



I haven’t put up a numbers recap in a while, so, here you go.

  • Total pages for (Y-11) : 9,650 pages.
  • Pages to go to achieve first milestone (10,000 pages): 350 pages.
  • Pages to go to achieve the main goal of the year (53,000 pages): 43,350 pages.
  • Pages to go to be the second-best year of reading (32,001 pages): 22,351 pages.
  • Pages to go to be the best year of reading (47,705 pages): 38,055 pages.

Now back to chasing those pages.


(Y-11) Up and running

I started the year at the same pace as I finished last year.

My total reading for yesterday 248 pages and my total for the year went up to 9,506 pages.

I finished reading the third volume of X-O Manowar, still going on strong, I was amazed at how much I like it.

Also, I started reading what is considered one of the best comic book written by Warren Ellis, Transmetropolitan.

Spider Jerusalem has to go back to the city, and he is really pissed about it.

On the book front, I did something that hasn’t happen in a long time, read more than 25 pages in one day.

Currently on page 201.

Also, I had a bit of time and did some updates on my bullet journal.

Things are brightening up.

My goals of reading writing remain the same, try to read 146 daily pages and write at least once a day in this blog.

Now back to reading.


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