(Y-12) Quarantined Days, update 11

I start my reading session with 160 pages left on Midnight Tides, according to Bookly I still have about 5 hours left.

Let’s see how this plays out.

Yesterday I read 117 pages, and finished the second volume of The Umbrella Academy , those types of comic book series reminds me why Dark Horse Comics is my favorite publisher.

I have also some Red Sonja comic books in my Kindle to read between chapters of the fifth volume of The Malazan Book of the Fallen.

For now, I am off to read.


(Y-12) Quarantined Days, update 10

Yesterday was a good day of reading.

I mainly focus on chipping away pages from Midnight Tides, read 101 pages, also read about 50 pages of the second volume of the Umbrella Academy, Dallas.

My plan for today was to finish Midnight Tides, this to keep up with my reading schedule of 49 total books for the year , but to be honest, I am kind of tired today.

So, I’ll read whatever I can today, and tomorrow I’ll take over the world, sorry I mean finish the book.

For now, I am off to read.


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