(Y-11) To close out the night

Right now, I’ll take a break from reading House of Chains, currently on page 933, with my favourite title from the new series set in Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman, Lucifer.

Masterfully written by Dan Watters and beautifully illustrated by Max Fiumara, it is the perfect way to finish off the night and welcome the new month.

Off to read.


(Y-11) lucky 13 days

Less than two weeks to go in this year of reading, and I have some work to do.

My current total is 44,085, that means that I am 3,621 pages to surpass my best year, and 8,915 pages to reach this year goal.

The immediate goal is to surpass my best year of reading, because, honestly almost 9,000 pages in 13 days are too far fetched.

Right now, I’ll focus on finish House of Chains, currently on page 911, and about 2 hours left of reading, which will give me 1,022 pages to add to my total.

And to complement that, I’ll read some comic books and graphic novels, some of my TBR pile, and some new ones.


The latest volume of the Spanish version of Hellboy, book number 7, was an early gift from our friends of Lo que leemos , to celebrate our 11th anniversary of this crazy little project.

As I write these words, it has started to rain over my beautiful desert, I’ll take it as a good omen.

Off to read.


(Y-11) thunderous finish

I plan to go all out for these last 17 days left for this year of reading.

I’ll try to amount as much as I humanly can.

That means, read anywhere philosophy in full mode, if I could read in my sleep it will be perfect.

The first task, finish House of Chains by Sunday night.

Off to read.


(Y-11) the state of things

I woke up to a beautiful cloudy morning over my precious desert.

The perfect day to curl up and read.

And to top it off, it is Batman Day, the Dark Knight is celebrating 80 years.

I will be reading a couple of alternates stories in commemoration.

Now I would like to talk about my numbers and the almost end of this year of reading.

Right now, I have 22 days left on this eleventh year of reading, and my total is 43,617 pages.

That means that I am 4,089 pages away from reaching my best year of reading, and 9,383 pages to reach my ultimate goal for this year, which is 53,000 pages.

It is a monumental task, but I’ll try to get as close as possible and enjoy every second of it.

On a positive note, I have surpassed the original goal for reading that I assign to each year way back when I started keeping track of my reading, this original number is 43,500, and it was calculated thinking of reaching 1,000,000 pages by the time I turned 50, thus, I needed 43,500 pages each year, this is the second time I reach this number.

Now, I am off to read.


(Y-11) the uphill battle

I decided to stop whining and get my act together.

This means going after those elusive 9,000 pages.

A monumental task, but who said that I put this goal in front of me just because it was easy.

So, from now on, every spare moment will be dedicated to getting those pages.

I’ll start, while a tuck in my kids, by reading some more of those number one issues of comic books lurking around my digital Comixology library.

To start, I’ll read Boom Studios Poe.

Let’s see how it is, and possibly read the whole series.

Off to read.


(Y-11) The uncertainty of things

As I realize all of the endeavors ahead of me, I have come to the conclusion that maybe it is in my best interest to put this project in second priority.

For what concerns this reading year, the eleventh, which has a mere 29 days left in it, I’ll try to keep track of what I can squeeze in.

Right now my total is 43,485, some 4,220 pages left to reach my best year and 9,515 to reach my goal.

Both, things I have a certainty that I can not achieve.

For the twelve years, I’ll find a simpler way to put down what I read, which I can almost be certain it will be my lowest one yet.

Also, no side projects, that means no old school Monday, no mindful reading, and no caffeine pilgrimage.

I have high hopes for the thirteen years, but I’ll play by ear.

See you soon.


(Y-11) Second day of mindful reading

Yesterday’s reading was once again decent, from the three sessions of the mindful reading, I could only do the one in the morning.

49 minutes well spent in the holy desert of Raraku, watching how a holy war is brewing.

I hope to this long weekend, in Mexico we celebrate our independence on the 16th of September, have my three sessions and more.

Because with one month to go in my year of reading, I need all the time possible to reach my goals.

Off to read.


(Y-11) first day of mindful reading

You do not realize how hard it to find time to read until you actually try to do it.

Yesterday was a fairly successful one, I could do the morning session and the afternoon session, but the one at night, I just succumb to sleep.

Let’s see how this day fairs.

Off to read


(Y-11) 32 days…mindful reading

As I approach the end of this year of reading, which has been beyond amazing, I start to get itchy about my total pages,and how close I got to my goal.

Right now, I have a total of 43,093 pages, that is 4,612 to go in order for this year to be my best one yet, and 9,907 to my ultimate goal.

This got me thinking, some people have work-out routines in which they release some of the stress of the day, and as a bonus keep themselves healthy.

So, with that in mind, I will start a “reading as meditation” routine, some mindful reading if you will, it will be three sessions along the day, 49 minutes in the morning, 21 minutes in the afternoon and another 49 minutes at night.

This will be drop everything, relax, and enjoy a great read, and by the end of the day I will have read for a couple of hours and released some stress.

I will, as much of the things I do with anything related to reading, share my daily experience.

I am glad to say that I will have some great company for this new routine, my good friend Edwin from the blog Lo Que Leemos will be joining, and will be keeping track of the experience.

We will start with a week and take it from there.

And if you what to join, you are more than welcome.

Now, off to read.


(Y-11) 34 days…before the day ends.

Just a quick recap of things.

I’m holding on my reading streak in the Bookly app.

As I said on a earlier post, my minimal number of continuous days of reading at 1095, which is 3 years.

On my other goal, my progress is getting some really good push.

I am aiming to being over 600 pages by tomorrow’s evening.

And on that note I am off to read.


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