(Y-12) Some updates

I hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy.

I have found more challenging than I thought this little project, reaching 30,000 pages in my year of reading by April 20th, with the state of things, and the massive news of people suffering all over the world, it’s kind of hard getting your head on straight.

Because I am not a health care provider, the only thing I can do to chip in is to stay home and try to avoid large crowds, and hopefully, this terrible disease will slow down.

Also, today will have been my dear mother’s birthday, she should have turned 66, I missed her dearly, but I know in my heart that she is toasting with a nice glass of red wine with my father, somewhere, in their beautiful purple desert.

With that in mind, I should try to calm down, and read some more this coming weeks.

For now, I can say that I had a fairly productive week.

My initial number, back on March 26, was 7,774 pages to go to reach my coveted goal of 30,000 pages.

This morning I still have 7,155 pages to go.

I only what to clarify that I am using net total pages, you can read an explanation in my about page.

Today’s itinerary will cover some X-men, some Dragonlance, and some new material that I found in my Kindle Unlimited subscription.

I am off to read, stay safe.





(Y-12) Between X-Men and Bounty Hunters

I start my first day of reading, this with the sole purpose of reaching 30,000

Besides reading Dragons of Spring Dawning, I started reading a new series from a galaxy far, far away, Bounty Hunters.

To tell the true, I have been waiting to premiere, right now it has two issues, and I purchased the first one.

By the cover alone it looks pretty cool.

The other thing I am currently reading is some compilations of the X-men, I started with the Blue collection on volume 0, this has some issues from the mid 90s.

Let’s see how many pages I can pile up today, on this the first day of 25 of self isolation.

Stay safe, and healthy.

I am off to read.


(Y-12) Chasing 30,000 pages

With the impending health crisis that has been sweeping the world, and the decision of our local government to practice self isolation, I think that these coming weeks will be perfect to reach my next milestone.

Rumor is that our “normal” routine will resume on April 20th, so that gives me 25 days to reach 30,000 pages.

Currently I have 22,226 pages of total reading, that leaves me with 7,774 pages to read.

For now, I am off to read, some Tolkien in commemoration of Frodo and Sam destroying the ring of doom.

Stay safe, and hopefully we will come out of this in the best possible way.


(Y-12) 24in48 readathon, starting with today’s reading

I started reading yesterday at 10 pm (Mountain Standard Time), this is to coincide with the official starting time.

And I am glad to say that I have 1 hour and 46 minutes under my belt, and the first graphic novel finished, Lantern City Vol. 2, a really fun steampunk story.

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Today I’ll continue with Dragons of Winter Night, hopefully I can finish it by tomorrow, and with the classic Batman tale of Knightfall.

But to kick off this day, I’ll start reading the next volume of Ed Piskor’s X-men: Grand Design, Second Genesis.


For now, I am off to read.



(Y-12) Here we go again…tic, toc

Tonight I’ll start with one of my favorite events of my reading year.

The 24in48 readathon, the first one of the year was usually held in January, but as with all of us, sometimes life takes some turns, and our priorities became something else.

With the Coronavirus sweeping thru the world, and the recommendation of practicing social distancing to flatten the infection rate, and the implication of having to stay indoors a lot, I can think of a better way to spent the time.

Maybe not the best of circumstances to have this amazing event making a comeback.

So, the clock is set.

I hope to keep the streak alive, and read the whole 24 hours.

Keep yourself safe, wash your hands often, and stay home as much as you can.

I am off to read.


(Y-12) Today’s reading

Today as you can tell by the hour, I had a really early start.

I have been dealing with some issues on my left arm, and because of the medicine prescribed to take at night makes me fall asleep really early.

Thus the hour.

But as with my insomnia I’ll take advantage of this.

To start off this morning reading, and hopefully make this be 300-page day, I’ll read the third series of the comic adaptation of The Witcher, Curse of Crows.

Another amazing find on my Kindle Unlimited account.

This is my warm up for next week’s 24in48 readathon.

For now, I am off to read.


Reblogging from 24in48 readathon #24in48: The Social Distancing Edition

Not the best of circumstances to see my favorite readathon making a comeback, but I can’t think of a better way to spent time than reading.

To all those dealing with the scary situation of this pandemic, I can only wish you that these plays out in the best of ways.

So, you can see the original post from 24in48 readathon in the link below.


There’s a form to sign-up, and join the fun.

I am already gearing up for the next weekend to read my ass off.


(Y-12) two new milestones, for real this time

I have finally reached two major milestones, the first was reaching 300,000 pages of the 1,000,000 pages that comprise my crazy little project, which started back in 2008.

The book that put me thru this remarkable goal was The Walking Dead Vol. 9, a series that I started reading back in 2007, and read from volume 1 to 7.

Right now there are more than 30 volumes.

The culprit of my 300,000 pages

Also, I reached 20,000 pages of this year of reading, this 25 days ahead of schedule.

Consequently, it was the tenth volume of The Walking Dead that helped me cross the 20,000-page mark.

The culprit of my 20,000 pages of this year

The next immediate goal is to pass the halfway mark of this year of reading, which is 20,833 pages, just 775 more to go.

Also, make this year my best one yet, for that to happen, I still have 27,832 pages ahead of me.

For this week of reading, I have lined-up some really of my favorite series.

Starting with the world created by David Petersen, Mouse Guard, with three collections that I found on Kindle Unlimited, also, the second comic book series of The Witcher, Fox Children, still haven’t read the last three numbers.

And lastly, try to finish by Thursday night the second volume of Dragonlance Chronicles, Dragons of Winter Night, I have fallen a little behind, but nothing I cannot make up for.

For now, I am off to read.


(Y-12) another milestone?

Today was a lazy and rainy one.

I spent most of the day resting up, still having some issues with my left arm, and of course reading.

I am pretty sure that two of my goals were met today, reaching 300,000 of total pages, and 20,000 pages for this year.

But I wouldn’t be sure until my digital lists are updated.

For now, I’ll keep on browsing fo new things to read, which consequently have already given me some new material to read.

I’ll finish with the tenth volume of The Walking Dead, and then it’s on to the second series of the Dark Horse adaptation of The Witcher, Fox Children.

After that, I’ll return to the mesmerizing world of Mouse Guard, created by David Petersen, who is this anthology collection known as Legends of the Guard, he shares his world with some heavy hitters.

I have a lot of new things to read, and hopefully I’ll keep on adding to this amazing year of reading.


(Y-12) Almost at another milestone

I am 141 pages away from reaching 300,000 pages, a little under 350 pages from reaching 20,000 pages for this year of reading.

They are some major achievements, and I am determined to reach them by tomorrow night.

To close out the evening, I’ll continue with Dragons of Winter Night mixed in with some comic books.

For now, I am off to read.


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