’tis the season to be reading

My October and November reading was, to put it gently, underwhelming. Now as December approaches its final leg I´m determined not to let this cold streak reach the third month in a row. Although it is a monumental task, my plans for the end of the year total deserve a bit of extra effort on my part.

So what is the task you might ask, well, there are 9 days left to read 4,209 pages, which is around 468 pages per day, as I said, not the easiest of challenges but one that will surely be the steppingstone toward the first year over 100,000 total pages, this year in particular deserves it. My projection sits at 78,409 pages. There´s some catching up to do.

For this gargantuan task, I brought a familiar friend and one of my all-time favorite series in any medium, Berserk by the late great Kentaro Miura.

Now to jump into the deep end.

Off to read.


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